Laser-based 3D manufacturing of electronic systems

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Project Summary

Electronic systems are key enabler technologies for all industrial sectors since the last 30 years. With the emergence of connectivity, this trend will further accelerate.

Industrial IoT market sector has an expected number of connected devices of 11,4 billion units in 2025. The printed circuit board (PCB) is the core of electronics embedded systems, since connecting the microchips to create a dedicated smart function within a dedicated physical package for integration into the full system. Currently, PCB production is relying on photolithography processes, having a strong environmental impact, being optimized for large batch size, and mostly located in the far East (e.g., China) for reduction of operation costs.

Targets of LAB-3D-MES are (a) to industrialize a laser-based 3D manufacturing process for PCB, and (b) to roll-out for sustainable and European made electronic systems manufacturing services.

Project Start: 01.01.2023, completed.

Our Role

Innovation Management + dissemination

This project has received funding form the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program within the framework of the PULSATE Project funded under grant agreement No. 951998. PULSATE is supported by the Photonics Public Private Partnership. 

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